Meet the Chicago 400: Lessons in the Carceral State

  • 21 Jan 2020
  • 25 Jan 2020
  • The Drawing Center, 35 Wooster Street

Meet the Chicago 400: Lessons in the Carceral State. 

Unusual happenings in a NYC art space, see and hear how the criminal legal system runs amok over people, housing and more.  Members of the Chicago 400 -- Chicagoans with past convictions that make them subject to banishment laws -- will hold forth with words and maps about Windy City life.  And...New Yorkers with past offenses that put them on government blacklists, and slammed by draconian laws (SARA) will connect the dots to life in NYC. 

All this begins Tues. Jan. 21st at The Drawing Center in Manhattan's SoHo neighborhood, culminating in a day long special event (12pm-6pm) on Sat. Jan. 25th, a set of panels ("symposium") exploring the unintended consequences of public registration laws and the expansion of the carceral state. 

A closing reception will feature presenters and organizers.  Please come if you are resisting or organizing around these policies or want to learn more!  All events are free and open to the public.   --Bill Dobbs,The Dobbs Wire

Meet the Chicago 400: Lessons in the Carceral State

Date:        Tues. Jan. 21st -- Sat. Jan. 25th

Hours:      12pm to 6pm except Thursday - 12pm to 8pm

Cost:        All events are FREE and open to the public.

Location:  The Drawing Center  35 Wooster St.(north of Canal, between Broome and Grand), New York, NY 10013


Thur.Jan. 23rd, 12pm-3pm -- Coffee with artist Laurie Jo Reynolds and Maya Szilak

Fri. Jan. 24th, 4pm-7pm -- Drawing Workshop with the Chicago 400

Sat. Jan. 25th, 12pm-6pm -- Our Fellow Americans:  A Symposium on Public Conviction Registries

The details: